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Multimedia Message Manager critical message distribution solution

The Multimedia Message Manager (M3) is a proven messaging capability for real-time inbound and outbound data dissemination that is Information Transport Service (ITS) compliant to meet the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and Department of Defense messaging requirements.

M3 delivers high-priority messages and segregation of special message types to safeguard sensitive data while ensuring critical intelligence is provided expeditiously. M3 provides users access to this intelligence messaging through a fast, intuitive and retrospective search capability, allowing users to quickly sort through years of message traffic to meet a wide array of customer-drive requirements.

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Trusted, capable and leading-edge messaging

Recent competitive acquisitions have stressed that selections will focus on the best value. M3 includes many attractive capabilities, such as geospatial search and display on Google Earth and Google Maps, dynamic XML message translation to feed backside systems, auto-updating of information, and inherent access controls at multiple communities of interest and enterprise levels.

Another advantage is a combined membership of the entire M3 community. The M3 community enjoys reduced sustainment costs, contracting for sustainment as a coalition. This coalition approach negates the need to stand up discrete programs for each user organization, thereby reducing costs through economies of scale across the entire community. The coalition shares in the features and capabilities funded by others. Through the sustainment of a single baseline, capabilities, such as the aforementioned geospatial search and interface to the ITS architecture, were developed and made available to all M3 members.

Our M3 approach implements proven engineering processes, which have evolved and matured 鈥渙n the battlefield鈥 of the practical application of leading-edge messaging technologies in trusted settings since 1990. We ensure our intelligence community success through our continuous commitment to excellence, based on engineering standards, best practices and lessons learned, as well as the quality software development that is foundation to all our programs and the corporate reach-back the company provides.


  • Multimedia messaging
  • Routing and access control by privileges and content

Use cases

  • Sensitive-message transmission at varying levels of classification


  • ITS: ICSM/JMS/XML capable
  • Legacy: CSP/SMART, DMS, CP, XP/DMS
  • Accreditation at Protection Level 3 (PL3)
  • Deployment in SCI, SIPR and SAP environments
  • Real-time distribution and historical searches
  • ICPUBS document generation
  • Robust set (four levels) of discretionary access controls
  • Community of interest implementation for virtual M3 paradigm supporting multiple organizations with a single system
  • Full outbound message generation, coordination and release
  • Backside message transformation and dissemination
  • Separate roles defined for User, Operator, Agent Administrator, ISSO and System Administrator
  • Authentication using PKI and/or strong passwords
  • Expedited delivery of ECP, FLASH and Critical traffic
  • Segregation of SPECAT, Eyes-Only, HCS and G messages
  • Clientless access: browser independent
  • XML standards and interfaces
  • Geospatial search and display capability
  • Multinational support
  • Inbound message ingest and tagging
  • Real-time profiles and agents
  • Automated reporting
  • Retrospective search

Hardware platforms and software

  • Government-furnished hardware
  • Virtual environment compatibility
  • Software updates for the current licensed M3 version, provided at no cost for customers with an active maintenance contract