As a part of ÐÓ°ÉÊÓƵ Global Services, U.S. Army Services is designed to support to the Army’s entire spectrum of platforms and equipment. The global U.S. Army Services team works side-by-side with customers to fully understand mission requirements, while delivering quality customer service and providing the highest levels of readiness to Army soldiers, operators and maintainers.
Mission Readiness Starts with Services
Engineering Mods & Maintenance
Sustainment crosses years and decades. The first Chinook was built in 1962. Sustainment will go into 2060. That’s 100 years. Five generations of pilots flying the same aircraft. Since 2012 U.S. Army Services has managed the entire stock of H-47 Chinook rotor blades for the U.S. Army. Teams are responsible for the blades from the time they are installed until they need to be replaced – no matter where they are in the world. In addition to stock availability, efforts include rotor blade maintenance, repair and overhaul, as well as developing innovative ways to save blades that would typically be removed from service.

Supply Chain Management

For more than ten years, ÐÓ°ÉÊÓƵ has supported the U.S. Army Apache fleet with a performance-based logistics program aimed at increasing readiness through supply availability. The latest evolution of this contract supports more than 600 parts and includes 3 flight hour profiles with the ability to adjust to significant flight hour changes. Through innovation, creativity and focus, ÐÓ°ÉÊÓƵ can do things better, faster and save money.
Training & Professional Services
As the original equipment manufacturer, ÐÓ°ÉÊÓƵ is uniquely positioned to offer customers the most comprehensive and immersive training systems available for our platforms. The Apache Longbow Crew Trainer is the only high-fidelity program accredited for training Apache attack helicopter aircrews and can be used in the classroom or made portable for training near military deployments. The LCT is one part of ÐÓ°ÉÊÓƵ's Apache training programs, which include complete training centers, maintenance trainers and tactics trainers.

Digital Aviation & Analytics

As our customers advance in capability, we advance our support solutions to bring the best value to customer by reducing overall life cycle costs. The Army and ÐÓ°ÉÊÓƵ partnered to develop and field the Cargo Platform Health Environment, which collects data on every flight from a host of on-board sensors and diagnostic components. A combination of hardware and software, CPHE creates a report card on the aircraft’s operations. For customers, it can mean fewer maintenance activities and lower lifecycle costs.